If such thing is found, it must be reported to the Cabal World staff members, failing to do so will result in a punishment. If your account was shared with an account that did black marketing it will have applied the same punishment so be carefull who you share your account with.Įxploiting bug and/or weaknesses of the game client and/or server:Įxploiting the weaknesses of the game client and/or server (defined as a bug or a way to gain a unfair advantage over other users) is strictly prohibited. Trading game items, game currency, game account or anything related to it for real life currencies is strictly prohibited. Zoom Hack: Changing the camera zoom to other values than the default set ones.WallHack: Moving with the character through areas in the map you should not be able to.WalkSpeed: Changing the character movement speed.Unlimited BattleMode Hack: Bypassing the cooldown or duration of the battlemode skills.StyleHack: Hacking the character creation procedure to use an abnormal style.Memory Speed Hack: Speeding the time in the client, like a fast forward for any actions.No Entry Hack: Entering the dungeon and preventing the entry item to be consumed.No Skill Casting: Hacking the game to trigger a new skill cast before the previous one finishes completely.GM Hack: Bypassing the verification that allows ONLY GM characters to access specific functions of the game.Damage Hack: Increasing the Force Blader damage to abnormal values.Crash Channel Hack: Attempt to send packets that will try to crash the channels.Long Click Hack: Modifying the client to allow you access NPCs or picking up items from abnormal distances.Buff Damage Hack: Changing the type of a buff skill to attack skill.

Change Skill Data Hack: Changing any data of any skill or buff.BM2~3 Combo Bug: Using Battle Mode 2 and/or 3 with combo skill.Range Hack: Changing the range of the skill(s).Altering the game client or MShield privileges.Using any debuging software or other software for reading or editing the game client or memory, or MShield processes.Your account will be suspened Permanently for any of the following detections:.

We have at our disposal an advanced log system that will detect all variants of cheats and each attempt of hacking will be punished accordingly. By using the MShield antihack system we are eligible to ban any user account for hacking or just for trying to hack. Please take a moment to review the rules detailed below.Īny form of hacking is strictly prohibited.